The recently released Selfie starring Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi in the remake of Prithviraj Sukumaran’s 2019 Malayalam film Driving License. Prithviraj Sukumaran’s Malayalam movie was released in 2019 and was not dubbed in Hindi so the North audience may not have seen the movie so some people may not realize that this movie is a remake.
Akshay Kumar plays the role of a superstar Vijay Kumar while Emraan Hashmi plays the role of an RTO officer. Akshay Kumar who needs a driving license for the shooting of his film goes to the RTO officer Emraan Hashmi and then between the two a misunderstanding is created on which the whole story moves. The film also has two female actors as Nushrrat Bharucha and Diana Panty but both of them have nothing special in their parts, there is a song by Mrunal Thakor which is likable to watch..
As the film is a remake, there is nothing special on the part of the director, but as the original film is very well written, these films are also well written in Hindi and despite the simple story, they have managed to present it very well.
Most of the songs have been shot for the promotion of the film. The film features two main songs that come at the beginning of Akshay Kumar’s entry featuring Mrunal Thakor who is a sight to behold and the second song is a remake of an old original song featuring both Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi. The song is beautifully filmed and people will love to watch Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi dance in it.
Overall, Akshay Kumar’s fans will love to watch this movie.. The director has succeeded in showing the clash between Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi and the audience will definitely like it.