On July 29, the movie Ek Villain Returns, starring Disha Patani, was released in theatres. Amid split rumors, Tiger Shroff used his Instagram stories to congratulate Disha Patani and the Ek Villain Returns ensemble. Disha was mentioned in a photo he published on Instagram together with the cast of Ek Villain Returns, which also included Arjun Kapoor, Tara Sutaria, John Abraham, and Mohit Suri. “What a gripping movie and fantastic performances by the whole cast congrats guys!”, he wrote.
As per reports, the rumored couple has parted ways after a long 6-year relationship. While rumors of the breakup made headlines, Tiger’s father Jackie Shroff also reacted to them. Talking about Tiger and the Ek Villain Returns actor, they have been rumored to be dating. However, neither of them has confirmed their relationship yet.
Meanwhile, ahead of the release of Ek Villain Returns, Disha has shared several posts related to the movie to pique the interest of her fans. The actress even dropped the interesting trailer of the movie, ahead of the release.
On the work front, Patani has the movie KTina, Yodha with Sidharth Malhotra and Raashii Khanna, and another movie in the pipeline. Tiger, on the other hand, has the movie Ganpath with Kriti Sanon, Screw Wala, and Bade Miyan Chote Miyan with Akshay Kumar. Shroff was last seen in the movie Heropanti 2 with Tara Sutaria.