The renowned director SS Rajamouli, who became well-known for his work on RRR and Baahubali, expressed his love for the upcoming film Brahmastra during a press conference that took place recently in Chennai. The next movie by Ayan Mukerji, according to the director, is a commercial interpretation of the “astras” myth.
When asked what he enjoys most about Brahmastra, SS Rajamouli responded, “Ayan dreamt about creating a world that we have never seen before — the magnificent world of astras that we have learned from our history, our Puranas. As children, we heard about these astras but have never seen their splendor.
When asked what he likes the most about Brahmastra, Rajamouli stated, “Creating a world that Ayan has created is not easy. Ayan has created a power which still has some limits. He provided the scope to create a bigger villain and also created a scope for the struggle for good to win over evil. It is not like a fairy tale. It is like a commercial way of telling the story of astras. This is what I like about ‘Brahmastra’. Ayan made sure that among all the astras, including ‘Vanara Astra’, ‘Agni Astra’, ‘Jalastra’ and ‘Brahmastra’ — love is the strongest. Not just telling this fact in dialogues, he made sure that his point comes across. That love will win over everything.”
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