Actress Zareen Khan made her Bollywood debut in 2010 with Salman Khan’s Veer. Despite a 12-year career, sh has not found a significant role.
Regarding not getting a role in films, the actress believes that the matter is not in her hands. There are a lot of factors at work to get a role, to stay in the industry you need to be social, go to all the parties and meet people.
Not knowing how to build a network early in her career and not knowing how to go to a party for a career, Zareen doesn’t come from the film family, which is why she doesn’t know many people in the industry. “There aren’t many friends in the industry,” Zarrin said. The current trend is that everyone is everyone’s friend and they only work with their friends. If people in Bollywood would only recommend their fans, when will people like me get a job? Such a question was asked by Zari. The filmmakers have not seen his talent as an actor and have not thought of giving him a role. There are no good opportunities and that’s why you get a roll like a glamor doll. Zareen’s latest release Hum Bhi Akele Tum Bhi Akele is a digital platform. Zareen believes that he must get a chance to audition.